Visit us
How to find us
- Take the A6 motorway from Nuremberg in the direction of Amberg:
- Take the motorway exit "Nabburg-West".
- After motorway exit turn right - direction Nabburg (approx. 2km)
- Drive down the hill; 1st possibility to turn left - small traffic island (Kemnather Str.)
- Drive straight ahead into the old town - through the Town Gate
- after approx. 100 m keep left - Oberer Markt - approx. 100 m - big red house on the right side (Hubert Gietl).
- Or, if you come over the motorway A93 Regensburg - Weiden:
- Take the Nabburg exit.
- Take the motorway exit to the left in the direction of the town centre
- Cross the Naab Bridge. 100 m after the Naab bridge turn right up the hill (sign: Alter Pfarrhof)
- After 100 m turn right through the old town gate
- 100 m up the hill
- Big red house on the left side (Hubert Gietl)
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